Safe usage instructions
In order to prevent unauthorized use of your services and access to personal information please adhere to the following rules:Make sure the page your are viewing is an authentic page of the service.
One common tactic to steal passwords is based on misleading users into visiting web pages that look like the authentic pages of the service but are not. For this reason:

Check the address of the web page you are at by checking the address bar of your browser before entering your information. The address should begin with "". Avoid signing in through external links to the service especially if these links were contained in suspicious emails.

Check the security certificate of your connection by confirming that it has been issude by the Greek School Network Certificate Authority and that it still valid.

Make sure that you have already installed the digital certificate of the Certificate Authority for Servers in your browser. Do not ignore security warnings and do not enter your information if you have any doubts about the authenticity of the web page that is presented to you or about the certificate which accompanies it.

If you have doubts about the authenticity of the web page which is being presented to you try initially to input an incorrect password. The authentic web page will return an error message.
Protect and never reveal your password

You will never be asked for your password by the helpdesk staff either in writing or verbally or via email. Do not reveal your password for any reason.

Avoid storing your password in your browser and instead prefer typing it again every time.

Frequently change your password by visiting this page especially if you suspect it has been disclosed to others.

Avoid entering your information via shared computers or other people's computers that you suspect may not be secure (Internet Cafes, public computer terminals).

Please note that your network accoun at the Greek School Network is strictly personal and under no condition should it be shared, both for your own security and for compliance with the terms of use of the services which it provides to you.
Take care to safely sign out from the service.

Always use the Sign Out feature of the services you use, after completing your work, thereby preventing others from gaining access to your services after you have left the computer.

If you don't use a personal computer (e.g. you are at an internet cafe or are using a shared office or lab computer), to avoid having your network activity recorded, use the "InPrivate Browsing" feature.
In case your browser does not support InPrivate browsing, use the Clear Private Data feature or alternatively close all your browsers windows.